Kommunicate is now part of Google's AI-First Accelerator Program Read more

Automating Customer Support and Elevating Experiences for Enterprises Automate 24X7 Customer Service for your business

Give you customers extended service without hiring new agents

Automate 80% of your support
Chatbots are your first line of defence and deals with all repetitive questions, so that your agents don’t have to copy-paste every time.
Be Available 24X7
Chatbots don’t require coffee breaks and can therefore stay always on. Your customers get assistance when and where they need.
Self Learning AI
Learns new queries and their responses automatically over time, thereby getting better to improve customer experience.
Reduce your response time
Unhappy customers want to talk now, not when your support agents are free. Delight them by making them feel heard.

Powerful chatbot integration for new-age customer support

Codeless Dialogflow integration
Integrate Dialogflow chatbots in your website and apps in a matter of minutes and without any code.
Custom chatbot integration
Kommunicate gives you the power to integrate any third-party or custom chatbot in your platform.
Pre-defined chatbots
Use our pre-defined chatbots or download samples to modify on your own. The power is in your hand.
Be available everywhere
Be there where your customers are with Chatbots that are compatible on all platforms; website, mobile, web apps and more.
Chatbot to human handoff
Smoothly and automatically transfer the conversation to a human in case the chatbot is unable to answer the user’s questions.
Conversation auto-resolve
Automatically close successfully resolved or dormant customer conversation to free up your time and present better analytics.
Communicate better with rich messages
Use all types of rich messaging elements such as cards, carousels, lists, buttons etc to provide a wholesome chat experience to your users.
How to set up FAQs from the dashboard? Hi! Here are few articles might help… Setup FAQs from the Kommunicate dashboard How to integrate with Helpdocs to integrate FAQs? How do I edit a FAQ which has been published once? I have a different issue
Turn your knowledge-base into a chatbot
Your bot can help you answer your user’s questions by fetching answers directly from your knowledge base.
Instantly connect with other tools
Integrate with your favorite tools to pass data to and fro and to create support workflows. Rich APIs and webhooks for all your custom workflows.