Updated on January 17, 2025

New year, and new beginnings. We added some exciting features to our product in the month of January, and here is  a quick update.

  1. Bots page gets an overhaul: Our “Bots” page got a revamp to give our users more clarity on how effective the bot has been after you add it to the website. There are various new additions such as “Average CSAT Rating,” “Average Resolution Time,” “Time Saved By Bot,” etc. These metrics give the website owner clarity as to how much ROI the bot is giving them. Just head on over to the “Bots” section of the Dashboard and explore this yourself.
Screenshot of a dashboard displaying chatbot performance metrics, including CSAT rating, resolution time, bot effectiveness, and intent analytics.

2. Assigning conversations based on channels: You can now route WhatsApp or Telegram Messages to a different bot or a team based on the rules that you have set. This will really help teams that use multiple numbers or different channels to stay in touch with their customers. 

3. A new way to fetch Conversation History:  Our bots have now been given the superpower to extract Conversation history, based on previous conversations you have had with the same phone number. This will give your agents more context when addressing customer issues, and help them provide a superior customer experience.

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4. Kompose personalization goes one step deeper:  For live chat agents who would like to have personalized conversations with their customers, there is good news. You can do so now with the advanced capabilities that we have launched in Kompose.

Customers can now use personalization attributes such as name, email and phone number to reply back to the users. With this level of personalization, customers will appreciate the fact that you are going that extra mile to get to know them better. Happy customers = better business.

From our Engineer’s garage:

We also have a couple of new interesting features that are in the pipeline, which we will be launching soon. These include:

  1. Campaign messaging: Campaign messaging is coming soon!! Now you can send bulk messages to your customers on different platforms from a single dashboard. 
  2. Flow designer: A visual drag and drop chatbot designer is in the pipeline.
  3. Instagram integration: Yup, that’s right! Your favorite chatbot builder will soon have an integration with your favorite messaging app.
  4. ChatGPT integration:  The future is conversational search, and we are not going to be left behind.

Bugs fixes:

  • WhatsApp integration section – retained filled forms while switching tab between Sandbox and Live
  • Error fix if wrong payload is added in Kompose button editor
  • Group Search API error fix in case of null content
  • Chat transcript removed duplicate lines for assignment
  • Bot creation for longer name
  • Addition of phone number with country code in user profile under conversation section
  • API fix for notes delete API
  • Chat transcript margin gaps fixed
  • Fixed error in user search API
  • Fixed error in Kompose Editor while clicking on “Assign to Team”
  • Weekly report data mismatch due to timezone issue is fixed
  • Bug fix in system extract entity

Mobile Updates: 

iOS SDK  6.7.5:

  • Added Support for Zendesk Chat Integration  – feature (FYI: basically Zendesk conversation can be created, messages sent from SDK will reflect on Zendesk dashboard & vice versa)
  • Improved subscribing to Chat Events (events happening inside conversation)callbacks flow & added support to unsubscribing to events – feature link
  • Fixed message metadata not been passed to web hook on form submission – bug

iOS SDK 6.7.7:

  • Added Customisation for start new conversation button on conversation list screen – feature
  • Added a  start new conversation button on bottom of the conversation list screen – feature

React Native v2.0.0:

  • Expose method to close Kommunicate screen – RNKommunicateChat.closeConversationScreen()
  • Typing Indicator Design Changed – RN-Android
  • Added Support for Android API 33 – RN – Android
  • Added support for AES256 encryption and decryption – RN – Android

React Native v2.0.1:

  • Exposed Event Observer. Events happening inside conversation can be observed in a single place for both android & iOS.

    const eventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(RNKommunicateChat);

    eventEmitter.addListener(“onMessageReceived”, event => {

        console.log(“onMessageReceived” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onMessageSent”, event => {

        console.log(“onMessageSent” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onConversationRestarted”, event => {

        console.log(“onConversationRestarted” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onRichMessageButtonClick”, event => {

        console.log(“onRichMessageButtonClick” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onStartNewConversation”, event => {

        console.log(“onStartNewConversation” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onSubmitRatingClick”, event => {

        console.log(“onSubmitRatingClick” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onBackButtonClicked”, event => {

        console.log(“onBackButtonClicked” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onFaqClick”, event => {

        console.log(“onFaqClick” + event.data);


    eventEmitter.addListener(“onRateConversationClick”, event => {

        console.log(“onRateConversationClick” + event.data);


Android SDK 2.6.0:

  • Added logout option on conversation screen
  • Add support to close Kommunicate conversation screen through code
  • Optimized & improved Notification based on FCM payload.

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Eve from Kommunicate

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