Updated on October 3, 2024

Illustration of a chatbot with a headset, a Node.js logo, and a person with headphones sitting at a laptop. The image represents the integration of a chatbot with Node.js technology.

Businesses are always on the lookout for ways to enhance customer engagement, improve response time and optimize resource allocation. One way to do this? Integrate WhatsApp as a biz-com channel and deploy enterprise-grade chatbots.

In This Article:

Chatbots have a market size of $12 billion in 2023, expected to grow to $72 billion by 2028, according to this report by Juniper Research. As more and more customers look for instant resolution of queries, enterprises should embrace technology and ensure that they are at the forefront of resolving these queries. A good way that enterprises can achieve this is to deploy chatbots on WhatsApp, everyone’s favorite messaging platform.

These WhatsApp chatbots can be built in a multitude of ways, and building them using Node.JS is one of them.

Businessman holding a smartphone with text promoting the use of Node.JS WhatsApp chatbots for seamless enterprise communication, offering a free trial.

And guess what? You don’t need to be a coding whiz to build one yourself! 

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the exciting journey of crafting your own WhatsApp chatbot using Node.js. We’ll explore: 

  1. Why WhatsApp?:  Understand the unique advantages of building your chatbot on this widely used platform. 
  2. Node.js Power: Discover how this versatile language makes chatbot development accessible and efficient. 
  3. Step-by-Step Guide: Follow our clear instructions and code snippets to bring your chatbot to life. 

Why Use node.js to Build Your Whatsapp Chatbot

  1. Node.JS has Asynchronous I/O, which is non-blocking, allowing chatbots to handle multiple concurrent requests. This is really important to manage large volumes of messages, in real-time, on WhatsApp.
  1. Node.JS has a huge ecosystem of libraries,modules and frameworks that makes rapid deployment and development of chatbots possible.
  1. Node.JS enables developers to use JavaScript on both server- side and client-side, meaning there is consistency in full stack development. This translates to less of a learning curve for developers.
  1. Scalability: Node.JS has an event- driven architecture, which means it can be used to build highly scalable systems. This feature is especially useful for large enterprises who serve an enormous customer base on WhatsApp.

As you can see,  Node.JS is a compelling choice when it comes to building an enterprise grade chatbot on WhatsApp. Let us now see how this is done.

Whether you’re a small business owner looking to streamline customer service, an entrepreneur with an innovative idea, or simply a tech enthusiast, building a WhatsApp chatbot is a rewarding experience. 

So, join us as we unlock the potential of conversational AI, one message at a time! Are you ready to create a chatbot that will revolutionize your interactions? 

Buckle up, and let’s begin!


Start Building Your AI Chatbot Without Sign up

Steps to Build Enterprise WhatsApp Chatbots in Node.JS

Step 1: Create a New Folder and Add a New JS File into It.

$ mkdir hello_world
$ cd hello_world

Step 2: Create a JS App File

$ touch app.js

As you already installed NodeJs previously, no need to install npm as it is already there.

Step 3: Install Dependencies

1npm install express

Once you finish the above dependencies installation, move to the next step where you will be creating the app and API.

Step 4: Create Your App and API

Add the following code to your app.js file and save it

const express = require('express');
// Express Initialize
const app = express();
const port = 8000;
//create api
app.post('/hello_world', (req,res)=>{
res.send('Hello World');
app.listen(port,()=> {
console.log('listen port 8000');

Test the API response using Postman

Place this URL on Postman to check the response: http://localhost:8000/hello_world

Postman interface displaying a successful HTTP POST request with the response 'Hello World' from a localhost server.
Explore Postman’s new features

Once you have tested your code, it is now time to go to the next phase of the tutorial.

Moving on to the next step where we will need ngrok to host your code so we can access it via API calling from the different applications.

This image promotes a WhatsApp chatbot solution for enterprises, offering a free trial.
WhatsApp chatbot benefits

Step 5: Hosting Your Code

  • Download the ngrok
  • Locate the directory on the terminal

$ cd downloads

  •  Run the following command

./ngrok http 8000

Now, you are ready with the HTTPS webhook URL generated by ngrok.

 ngrok terminal window showing session status, expiration, terms of service, version, region, latency, web interface, forwarding, and connection details.
ngrok: Your local gateway

Now, that your API can send the normal string/text messages, the next step is to send the data in a format that is defined by Kommunicate.

Here we have explained the format that is accepted by Kommunicate, check step: 3 and copy the payload, use it in your app.js file.

    "message": "Kompose!"
}, {
    "message": "Select the suitable option",
    "metadata": {
    "contentType": "300",
        "templateId": "6",
        "payload": [{
            "title": "Welcome Intent",
            "message": "Welcome Intent",
        }, {
            "title": "Fallback Intent",
            "message": "Fallback Intent"

This is what your updated app.js file looks like;

 Visual Studio Code editor displaying a Node.js project with files named app.js, hello_world, node_modules, package-lock.json, and package.json. The app.js file contains code for a simple Express.js server with a POST endpoint that sends a JSON response.
Learn Node.js basics

Step 6: Create a Bot and Configure Webhook inside Kompose Settings Page

  • Navigate to the Kompose bot builder category and create a new bot by selecting the “Create Bot” button.
Screenshot of the Kompose Bot Builder interface. The user is shown a list of pre-made templates for creating a chatbot, including Blank, Customer Support, Book a Meeting, eCommerce, Lead Collection, Insurance, Restaurants, and Education.
Build a smarter bot

Navigate to the Kompose Bot Builder, select your bot, and click on the “Settings” option present at the top right corner.

Screenshot of the Kompose Bot Builder interface. The user is editing the Default Welcome Intent for a Node.js bot. The interface shows fields for entering the welcome message, adding training phrases, and setting up bot responses. Buttons for adding text, buttons, and more are also visible.
Bot welcome message
  • Click on the Webhook option present on that page. Here, we need to put the Webhook Name and Webhook URL.

You will be copying the webhook URL from your ngrok server and nodejs app directory name.


 ngrok terminal window showing session status, expiration, terms of service, version, region, latency, web interface, forwarding, connections, and HTTP requests.
 ngrok: Your local gateway
Screenshot of the Kompose Bot Builder interface. The user is in the Webhook section, where they can connect their Kompose bot to external APIs using webhooks. The interface shows a list of existing webhooks, including their name, URL, and status. There is also a button to create a new webhook.
 Set up webhooks
  • Create an intent by clicking on the +Add button under the “Answer” section and “Train the Bot.” 

Here, I have created hello_world intent and added a training phrase as “Kompose”

Screenshot of the Kompose Bot Builder interface. The user is editing the Default Welcome Intent for a Node.js bot. The interface shows fields for entering the welcome message, adding training phrases, and setting up bot responses. Buttons for adding text, buttons, and more are also visible.
 Customize your bot
  • Click on the “Bot Says” option and select the webhook that you created earlier. Here, I have selected the webhooktest created earlier. Now, click on “Train Bot.”
 Screenshot of the Kommunicate live chat demo interface. The chat window shows a conversation between the user and a Node.js bot. The bot welcomes the user and provides options for pricing and features. The user has typed "hello world" and the bot has responded with "hello world.
Try a chatbot demo
  • Now, initiate the chat from your WhatsApp to see the responses coming from your webhook.

If you have not integrated WhatsApp yet, check out the blog to integrate the Node Js chatbot into WhatsApp.

Voila. You have just built your WhatsApp chatbot in Node.JS.


There you have it! You’ve completed the journey of building your very own WhatsApp chatbot using Node.js. By now, you understand the potential of this technology to transform your interactions with customers and employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Do I need to be a coding expert to build a chatbot with Node.js? 

While some coding knowledge is helpful, many libraries and tools simplify the process, making it accessible for those with basic programming skills. This guide provides step-by-step instructions and code snippets to help you get started.

2) Can I Use This Guide Even If I’m Not Using Whatsapp Business API?

While the guide focuses on WhatsApp Business API, the core principles of Node.js chatbot development can be applied to other platforms. However, specific code snippets and deployment steps may differ.

3)Can I Use This Guide to Build a Chatbot for Other Messaging Platforms?

While the specifics may differ, the core concepts and development approach can be adapted for other platforms like Facebook Messenger or Telegram.

4) Can I Connect My Chatbot to Other Platforms or Services?

Yes! Many APIs allow integration with other tools, expanding your chatbot’s capabilities.

At Kommunicate, we are envisioning a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you on board to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. You can signup here and start delighting your customers right away.

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