Updated on December 2, 2024

Here are our major updates from the month of December:
1. Multilingual capabilities on Document Scanner and Website Scraper:
We are excited to announce that we have made our Document Chatbot Trainer & “Web Chatbot Trainer” multilingual. You can now train the Bot as per the document/website language by first adding that Bot in your in document/website’s language and then adding the document/website URL.

2. Menu on Chat Widget
We have now added a feature where you can add Menu of your choice on your Chat Widget. You can now add a Menu icon among “Talk to Human“, “FAQ“, “TTS“, “Restart“ and “CSAT“. To implemet this, you need to mention that as a Primary CTA in the script. PrimaryCTA values can be:

- Adjusted overall billing page on Trial expire screen to make main CTA Visible without scroll.

2. Change of Kompose graphics and text in ‘Bot Integration’ and ‘Onboarding’ page

3. Update videos on Kommunicate Dashboard

4. File preview for campaign message

5.Helpcentre to Kompose bot builder settings path.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where dashboard skeleton was showing in login.
- Getting maximum context length response from OpenAI.
- Fixed the issue where closed conversations getting re-assigned to agent who opens it.
- Fixed the issue where Kannada language was showing up in a few places in Kommunicate Dashbaord.
- Fixed the issue of UNLEASH is already initialized.
- Fixed the issue where with OpenAI was not working in Kompose Bot.
- Fixed the where OpenAI Bot was not Answering from Documents uploaded.
- Fixed the issue where hidePostCTA was not working for List Rich message.
- Fixed the issue where we are getting error whike exporting the Kompose Bot.
- Resolved the issue where the UI would break in the chat widget if the ‘Form’ contained elements with a ‘type’ of ‘hidden’.
- Resolved the issue with the non-functionality of the URL Extraction.
- Fixed the issue where Bot to Human handover was not working OpenAI Bot.
- Fixed the issue where user search with space was not working.
- Fixed the issue where Notification been sent to the Agent for the Bot messages on iOS agent app.