Updated on January 21, 2025

Here are our major updates from the month of October:
- We are excited to release our newest feature where you can create an Open AI Bot and upload the document and train the bot on that document text. Whenever a user asks the question, bot will first search for the answer in the uploaded document and if it is present then it will answer from that and if it is not present, bot will look for the answer from the Open AI.

- We made improvements in the Human Handover option name to explain the option in a better way and modified the error message if someone doesn’t select the Handover item and tries to save it. Following are changes made:
(i) Replaced “Assign to human“ with “Assign based on Conversation Rules“
(ii) Replaced “Assign to a specific human” with “Assign to a specific Human“, and in drop down replaced “Select Teammate” with “Select a Teammate“
(iii) Replaced “Assign to team” with “Assign to a Team“, and in drop down replaced “Select Team” with “Select a Team“
(iv) Replaced “Assign to bot” with “Assign to a specific Bot“, and in drop down replace “Select Bot“ with “select a Bot”

- We have added a flag “openAiSmallTalk“. Once enabled, “Small Talk” responses will be given by Open AI instead of kommunicate NLP (Enabled it for a customer, can be used for others too in case any customer requires)

- Enabled “Answer” section in “Self Learning AI”. The Answer section shows all the Answers given by humans for the certain User Messages/Questions which Bot failed to Answer. Customers can simply click on Add Phrases to Bot to train the Bot with those Answers.

- To make it easy for users to understand where to deploy the bot from the bot builder page, we have added a Button named ‘Integrate’ which will re-direct users to ‘Integration’ section in which consist the list of all the possible channels to integrate

Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where Inline code was not working in the new Bot in a case when bot was created using the exported Bot in which Inline code was peresent
- There was an issue where Small talk Enable/Disable status was not getting updated correctly. We have corrected this.
- Users were unable to delete uploaded document in which document name had ‘#’ in the name. We have addressed this.
- Fixed the issues with extracting clinical entities(Disease,Body Part and Medicine)