Updated on June 23, 2022

The month of April was pretty exciting for us here at Kommunicate, as we rolled out a slew of new, exciting features. Here they are:

WhatsApp video messages and Rich message support

WhatsApp video messages:  We now support video messages on WhatsApp!! Users who had a hard time explaining to agents their exact pain points can now record a video and send it to the agent over chat.

Here are the capabilities which are available for the user:

  • Users can send a video file to the agent.
  • Bot can send a video file to the user.
  • Agent can send a video file to the end-user

Rich Message Support: We have added three new types of Rich Messages in Kompose (suggested replies, link buttons, and submit buttons). So now, if you are using Kompose to build your bot, you can easily create these types of buttons without writing a single piece of code in the form of a custom payload.

MTUs on the billing page

We will now show MTU (Monthly Tracked Users) on the billing page.

This feature will give the user an idea of their monthly usage.

Mobile Updates

iOS agent App

Bug fixes and improvements in this version include:

• Added Support for the real-time away/online status updates

• Fixed Image/video download related bug(S3 service)

• Added Support for switch application id

• Some minor UI bug fixes

Android SDK

• Added multiple events in Event Listeners

• Added on-time rating feature in custom settings

• Added Expired Layout for Agent app

• Bug fixes and optimizations

That’s all for now. Watch out for this space for more updates.

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Devashish Mamgain

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