Updated on January 22, 2025

Telegram has been growing in popularity ever since it was launched close to a decade ago. The app has nearly 540 million users, which is a staggering number. The app offers a powerful alternative to WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger and claims to be more secure than both of these platforms. Speed and security are Telegram’s USPs.

Without further ado, here are the steps to integrate Telegram with Kommunicate.

The integration presented in this blog post will teach you how to:

  • Create a New Bot for Telegram
  • Connect a Bot to Kommunicate

How to connect a chatbot to Kommunicate

Open Your Kommunicate Dashboard

Step 1: Click Integrations

Screenshot of the Kommunicate integrations page, showing available integrations with Zendesk, Agile CRM, Pipedrive, Zapier, Facebook, and WhatsApp via Twilio. The integrations menu icon is highlighted.

 Step 2: Click the Telegram card setting link

Screenshot of the Kommunicate integrations page. A red arrow points to the 'Telegram' integration option.

Step 3: Paste the API key into the Telegram integration card from the Kommunicate Dashboard and click the “Save and Integrate” button. 

Screenshot of the Telegram integration setup in Kommunicate, showing instructions for obtaining an API token and a field to enter it.

How to create a new bot for Telegram

Open Telegram messenger, sign in to your account or create a new one.

Step 1: In the search bar, search for @botfather

Screenshot of Telegram search results for @botfather.

Note: official Telegram bots have a blue checkmark beside their name

Step 2: Select the BotFather channel and click /start.

Screenshot of a Telegram chat with BotFather. The message contains instructions about a newly created bot and displays its API token (partially redacted). A keyboard is visible at the bottom of the screen.

Click on the “Send” button.

Step 3: Select /newbot – create a new bot.

Screenshot of a Telegram chat with BotFather, showing the list of available commands, with '/newbot' highlighted by a red arrow.

Step 4: Add a bot name to call (Kommunicate_Telegrambot) and enter the bot name to display (Kommunicate321_Telegrambot)

Screenshot of a Telegram chat with BotFather showing the process of creating a new bot, including setting the name and username, and receiving the API token.

Step 5: Copy the API key that is generated under “Use this token to access the HTTP API”

After creating the Telegram bot, follow the steps to trigger the Dialogflow chatbot.

Screenshot of a Telegram chat with BotFather showing the process of creating a new bot, including setting the name and username, and receiving the API token.

Step 1: Click on the link to open the chatbot you created on Telegram

Screenshot of a Telegram chat with BotFather showing the process of creating a new bot, including setting the name and username, and receiving the API token.

Step 2: Click on START to initiate a chat, once you click on START, you will send a message to Kommunicate. Next, the Dialogflow chatbot will start answering with the Welcome message you trained on the Dialogflow side.

Make sure you have selected the Dialogflow chatbot on the RULES section of the Kommunicate dashboard. Check here to build and integrate the Dialogflow chatbot if you still need to create one.

kommunicate telegram bot

This is how your Kommunicate dashboard will look after the integration is complete:

Screenshot of a kompose chatbot interface showing a conversation about pricing with a Telegram bot.

You have now created your new bot for Telegram.

Here’s a quick video:

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