Updated on January 11, 2023

What is the ecommerce conversion rate?

Before answering this question, let us look at Conversion rate in general.

Conversion Rate = Percentage of people who complete a desired action.

So  ecommerce Conversion Rate = Percentage of people who actually checkout and purchase a product from your ecommerce store.

Think of it like this. You are throwing a grand party for your kids first birthday. A lot of people show up to the party, but don’t actually eat the food because the catering is poor. 

So you have visitors, but they are not completing one of the most important tasks that you want them to do. So in the case of the birthday party, that’s a lot of wasted food. 

But with your ecommerce store, there are inventories piling up, employees whose salaries need to be paid, investors breathing down your neck, and other troubles that come with running an ecommerce business.

All of this if you don’t have a good ecommerce conversion rate. There are a few tips you can implement right away to increase your ecommerce conversion rate. These include:

  1. Make website navigation simple and easy (Chatbots can help here. More on that later).
  2. Offer Free shipping.
  3. Write solid website copy.
  4. Showcase social proof in the form of ratings and stars.
  5. Use video to explain what your product does.

These are just some of the steps in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). As you can see, your website plays a very important role in converting your prospects into buyers. If you implement a chatbot on your website, it is not just going to help in the navigation aspect.

Here are 6 ways chatbots can help in boosting ecommerce conversion rates.

  1. Make your website more appealing
  2. Lead collection
  3. Greeting customers
  4. Remarketing
  5. Enhance customer support
  6. Offer Special offers to returning customers

Bonus: Add Dialogflow chatbot into your website.

1. Make your website more appealing

When you struggle with unsatisfactory lead generation & you really are concerned about your numbers, the foremost thing you need to do is engaging more customers. Chatbots make virtual shopping a lot more similar to traditional shopping from a physical store.


Suggested read: How epic sports – a commerce giant, uses chatbots to resolve 60% of customer queries.

In the context of chatbots software, not only you can utilize it easily but it is very intuitive as well. Fabricating a chatbot is not challenging.

Chatbot interfaces are global that include live chatting, instant messaging, etc. There are chatbots for Facebook Messenger even. While setting up such software, you must provide button responses to visitors so that they do not need to take the pain of typing answers.

As you can see, having a chatbot on your website enhances customer experience, and is a definite must if you wish to boost ecommerce conversion rate.

2. Lead Collection

A high traffic onto your website need not translate to an increased ecommerce conversion rate.There will be times when website traffic will indicate massive entry numbers but it will also not bring too many benefits.

Kommunicate collection of leads

Even when you try to hook visitors on your landing page with the use of lead generation forms, chances are very less of them actually using it. These forms are put forward for getting email addresses and names of visitors in exchange for newsletters & discounts.

This mainly happens because opt-in forms are stuffed with numerous options & a lengthy sign-up process. We very well know that people neither are inclined towards such endeavors nor they have adequate time for doing so.

Chatbot development is one such procedure that collects leads in engaging methods in comparison to the basic static forms. The filling forms put forward by chatbots are more conversation-like. Here, visitors witness short messages with limited texts.

Chatbots function 24/7 which means the software can collect leads both during day & night time. By this method, your consumer service can connect with them on the next day & discuss their query.

The shopping experience is customized – You might have the notion that having a wide range of products on your website is all you need to take your business to the next level. But this can be daunting for your customers as they might be unable to find the exact products they are looking for. Chatbots can bridge the gap as this software asks questions to the consumers about their requisites. Depending on this information, the segmentation follows.

3. Greeting customers

Have you ever felt very annoyed when a salesperson has acted over-friendly while welcoming you into their particular store? If you have, you definitely do not want your customers to feel the same, right? In such instances, you must use chatbots. With chatbots services, your customers will never witness pushy greetings. The software will only inform them about its availability for any kind of help but it will never be intrusive. If customers are offered an alternative to chat or not to chat, chances are that it will convert six times more.

Our chatbot Eve has helped us to increase the engagement rate from 30% to 90% through welcome messages.

Kommunicate - chatbot greetings

Also, closing the sales from within the interface of a chatbot will always not be possible. Many times visitors will require some more information or just a push in the correct direction. As you set the welcome messages, chatbots can easily figure out what the visitor exactly requires & proactively offers it to them. Conversion rates can actually boost by 36% with such strategies.

Another important thing to determine is the correct popup chat window timing. Usually, the chatbot icon can be discovered in the lower-right spot of any webpage & visitors are familiar with it. Closing the popup window for the visitor must not be a hassle and also the chatbot icon must remain visible.

Chatbot personalization is another very important tip. While advancing with chatbot development, greeting customization is possible depending on referring websites. Customers must be able to see creativity in the primary greeting like “Welcome Traveler” in case you run a travel website. Also, your chatbot must also be offered a name as then people can relate more with it. The user must know that it is a chatbot they are chatting with & not live chat.

4. Remarketing

Chatbots prove to be very compatible with effective remarketing campaigns. Remarketing campaigns ring a bell to users who have added products in the cart but for some reason left the website without buying by displaying the products at the side or bottom of website pages. Chatbots can also pop up on social networks & showcase the same products that other individuals have purchased.

Chatbots can be used to send a message to customers who have left the website after adding a few items to their cart. To take things up a notch, you can ask the chatbot to send the visitor a time-sensitive coupon code that will incentivize them to make a purchase.

Kommunicate chatbot remarketing

To understand how helpful Chatbots marketing is, let us look at this example.

The Facebook Messenger Shopbot of eBay assists people in discovering exactly what they are seeking, gains insight from previous conversations & memorizes what the particular user had purchased.

5. Enhance Customer support

Established brands & the ones that are still growing find it very challenging to maintain and offer an elevated customer service level. To discover, appoint & train reps, is not at all an easy task. Simultaneously, the better ones are quite expensive.

This is the time when chatbots for e-commerce prove to be useful. Not only can such software answer all questions of customers directly but these can send them to the correct resources as well. Automatically the existing customers feel satisfied with such positive experiences.

Are you looking to automate your customer support? Sign up here for free.


The company named Amtrak used its chatbot called Julie to answer almost 5 million inquiries in a year, enhance bookings by an amount of 30% and save $1,000,000. Bookings via the chatbot generated more 30% revenue.

6. Offer special offers to returning customers

Studies have displayed that 92% of customers will land up on the brand’s website for the very first time for purposes that have nothing to do with buying products.

45% of People who visit your website for the first time will simply look around & 25% of them will compare the prices with other competitors. 10% of individuals will seek store details. After these individuals are clear in their minds regarding such information, only then they can return to your store but it will completely be their choice.

The question to ask is – Will they really revisit the store? Here you have a chance of enhancing your chatbot e-commerce conversion rate. As a visitor puts in a product in the cart but chooses to abandon it, right at that moment the chatbot will send an automated message that will ask the visitor about any help he/she requires.

If the visitor agrees, then you have a golden opportunity of proving her coupon codes and discounts and re-encourage the particular purchase at a price that is promotional.

As many studies have shown, it is much more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, and a chatbot can help you retain all the customers that have made a purchase from your ecommerce site.

Parting words

Understanding the psyche of your customers is the first step behind the success of your ecommerce business.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is your site easy to navigate?
  2. Are all the product photos easily accessible by all?
  3. Are my  customers greeted properly when they land on my website?
  4. Are you guiding customers who are yet to decide what to purchase towards the right products?
  5. Do your customers feel happy after they have spent a precious few minutes on your website?

Chatbots can help you out with a majority of these questions. Adding a chatbot to your website is a breeze, and if you need any help, you can always reach out to Kommunicate.

At Kommunicate, we are envisioning a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you on board to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. You can signup here and start delighting your customers right away.

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Devashish Mamgain

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