Updated on July 23, 2024

One of the most innovative tools making waves in education sector right now are the Educational Chatbots. From providing instant responses to student queries to offering personalized learning support, chatbots are becoming integral part of educational settings. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 use cases where educational chatbots are making a significant impact.

However, before we jump to the use cases, let’s understand the role chatbots are playing in the education sector and their relevance –

Role of Chatbots in the Education

Role of Chatbots in Education
Role of Chatbots in Education

Chatbots today find their applications in more than just customer services and engagement. Rather, they are there in every field, constantly helping all to alleviate the extra stress, and so are AI chatbots for education.

Education, being one of the essentials, needs timely updates to keep up with the contemporary world. However, maintaining the trends was never possible without opting for the most recent global trend, known as chatbots.

Going for a ‘chatbot for education’ is a win-win situation as it benefits both students and educators. Since every student has a different learning pace, educational institutes had to spare a lot of time working accordingly, yet it was not easy for them to navigate their expectations. So came the AI chatbot for education which revolutionized the process.

Let’s get deeper into the write-up and learn more about the meaning and essentials of these chatbots for education.

How do You Define an Educational Chatbot?

Educational chatbots are conversational bots with specialized training, which educational institutions and companies specifically use for the client and student interaction. The AI chatbot for education is transforming the way Ed-tech companies and institutions are sharing necessary information and leading conversations. 

Top brands like Duolingo and Mongoose harmony are creatively using these AI bots to help learners engage and get concepts faster. 

Duolingo Chatbot
Duolingo Chatbot

Duolingo has some famous and charming characters, including Chef Roberto, Renee the driver, and officer Ada, while Mongoose invites you to delve deep into its life by introducing itself as a humanoid, ready to help you always. 

So, now we know that generative AI chatbot for education is all about creative edifications that will help your clients with all their queries and induce them to stick to the brand!

However, different education sectors use educational chatbots differently. It means that chatbots for education have various applications.

Let’s now jump to the use cases where chatbots are transforming the education sector unlike anything before –

1. Answering Course Queries 

With a shift towards online education and EdTech platforms, course queries and fee structure is what many people look for. However, no one has enough time to convey all the related information, and here comes the role of a chatbot. 

Upgrad Chatbot Support
Upgrad (An Edtech Company) Supports their Students using a Chatbot

The chatbot for education containing all the information regarding the course proves to be helpful here. Course-related information includes all about fees, the syllabus covered, the date of completion, etc. This will help build transparency and establish a healthy relationship with the parents and students.  

2. Chabot Acting as Teaching Assistants

Every educator needs an assistant to get some help with the extra work and maintain records and who else other than the AI chatbot for education can handle this work more precisely? 

After all, we all know that these educational chatbots can be the best teaching assistants and give some relief to educators. Bots in education can help students with regular mock tests, rank tests, etc. They can also track project assignments and teachers with individually tailored messages and much more. They help to rationally divide the work and render fruitful results.

3. Taking Student Feedback

Understanding a student’s mindset during and after the session is very important for any Educational institution. However, it is not possible for the institute to personally meet thousands of students and gather related information. Also, a lack of clarity and satisfaction among the students will waste all your time and efforts. 

So, it is better to design and prioritize the chatbot for education accordingly. Including friendly conversations and entering, related questions will help receive better feedback and work for the desired results.

4. Student Engagement 

Millennials interact with bots daily and so, it’s better to keep them engaged here as well!

Keeping your students engaged is the only way to make your students trust and follow you. Students these days look for several courses before going for one and so it is essential to provide them with the best. Even if you are providing the best quality education, they need regular interaction and activities to keep them engaged and tied with the institute.

Chatbots for education provide amazing help in these cases. They help track the student’s progress and keep them regularly updated through personalized messages and suggestions. It induces more students and parents to convert and also contributes to the institute’s success.

5. Course Recommendation

Chatbots are revolutionizing the way educational institutions and ed-tech companies recommend courses to students. Leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, these virtual assistants offer personalized and timely guidance that aligns with each student’s unique needs and interests.

Global Knowledge, a Skillsoft company since 2021 and one of the leaders in IT and technology training assists their prospective students in choosing a right program based on their requirement.

Global Knowledge (a Skillsoft Company) Chatbot
Global Knowledge (a Skillsoft Company) Chatbot

6. Helping with Admission Process 

Guiding your students through the enrollment process is yet another important aspect of the education sector. Everyone wants smooth and quick ways and helping your students get the same will increase conversions.

A Chatbot for education plays a vital role in the initial process. It’s easy to take an entrance test, track students’ performance, short-list those who qualify and answer all their queries through the AI bots. It is because the process takes a lot of time and so, it is better if it is automated. However, you need to design a valid bot flow and input related questions accordingly.   

7. Course Scheduling 

Every course has a different time set. While some courses may end up in a week, others may take a month or two. Also, educators can’t take a class regularly and focus on the faster completion of the courses. Therefore, it is important to have a systematic course schedule designed keeping in mind the time set and availability of the teachers.

AI chatbot for education handles the task and plans the course schedule according to the time slot of both the students and the teachers. It gathers all the relevant information and plans the course accordingly to support timely completion and regular interactions.

8. Course Examinations and Assessments 

AI can automatically access course examinations and student responses. Planning and curating online tests and automating the assessment can help you to easily fill in the scoreboards and provide the progress report regularly. 

Many brands are successfully using AI chatbots for education in course examinations and assessments. However, these tests require regular syllabus updates to maintain the course’ quality and standards. 

9. Personalized Learning

Personalized and customized learning is probably the primary reason for students to shift to online courses. Every student has a different learning pace and so they require personalized sessions where they can be at their own tempo. 

So, many e-learning platforms are using chatbots to instantly share students’ course-related doubts and queries with their respected teachers and resolve the problems at the earliest. This way students get a free environment to come forward and get a clearer view. 

10. Student Sentiment Analysis

Chatbots will really help you know your students better!

It’s true as student sentiments prove to be most valuable when it comes to reviewing and upgrading your courses. 

Being an educator, it is crucial to analyze your students’ sentiments and work to solve all their issues. Educational chatbots help in better understanding student sentiments through regular interaction and feedback. This way it benefits the learners with a slow learning pace along with the educators to instruct them accordingly.


The integration of chatbots in education is reshaping how learning and administrative processes are managed. From providing personalized course recommendations and offering 24/7 support to automating administrative tasks and driving student engagement, chatbots are now playing a key role in the education space.

Through these 10 use cases, we saw how chatbots are proving to be a powerful tool in enhancing the student learning experience and making educational institutions operationally more efficient. As technology continues to evolve, the role of chatbots in education will continue to expand, offering even more innovative solutions to the challenges faced by students and educators alike.

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Devashish Mamgain

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