The last month of the year saw the Engineers at Kommunicate roll up their sleeves and work round the clock to make our chatbot solution better than any…
The month of November saw us taking on challenges we had not yet faced before, all with the aim of serving our customers better. Here is a quick…
The month of October saw us taking on new challenges and making our bot-building platform better than ever. Here is a quick update on what we achieved last…
The month of September saw us making a few changes to the product, primarily driven by our desire to do better with every passing day. Here is a…
The month of August saw us adding a few exciting new features to our product, and we can’t wait to tell you more about it. Here is a…
The month of July saw us adding a few exciting new features to our product, and we can’t wait to tell you more about it. Here is a…
The month of June saw the tech team work harder than ever on an integration that we have all been keenly waiting for – the WhatsApp Cloud API.…
In the month of May, your favourite chatbot builder just got a tad more exciting , and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store…
The month of April was pretty exciting for us here at Kommunicate, as we rolled out a slew of new, exciting features. Here they are: WhatsApp video messages…
March was a pretty busy month for us as we added many new capabilities to your favourite chatbot – Kommunicate. Read on to find out what’s new – …